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Discover the 5 Museums around Lake Guntersville

The history is rich in our area. From the Native Americans’ homeplace to the flooding of the lake, there’s a lot to tell about this area. Thankfully, we have several museums around Lake Guntersville that help tell our unique and captivating story. Grab your cameras and thinking caps, because here are the five museums you must visit...

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3 Reasons to Glide Over to Sand Mountain Skate

Albertville’s Sand Mountain Park and Amphitheater has opened North Alabama’s largest real ice skating rink to celebrate some holiday cheer. You can have the perfect holiday outing to make memories that will last a lifetime. Here are three reasons why you should grab your scarf, gloves and a warm jacket and head to Albertville...

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Experience Christmas Magic at Santa in the Village

Featured Image by: Robert Posey Christmas is approaching at Alabama’s Great Natural Attraction, and we have the perfect idea to spend time with your family here. Santa in the Village is hosted at Arab Historic Village and offers the perfect Christmas experience for everyone. Santa in the Village is every Friday and Saturday night...

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Win a Trip to Washington D.C. When You Visit Our Museums

Marshall County is home to several museums that are all unique to telling the story of our home. They should all be on your list to visit when you #ExploreLakeGuntersville. But now you can visit them and win a trip for two by doing so. On September 17 and 18, grab a friend (or two) and head out to celebrate Museum Weekend. Visit all SEVEN...

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