Mrs. Claus Invites You to Visit Her Village in Arab, Alabama this Holiday Season
The season is almost here, and everyone is busy in our village, located at Arab City Park in Arab, Alabama. Christmas trees are up, the park is lined with lights, and it feels so festive. As you can guess, this is my favorite time of year when the city creates a festival of lights within the city’s park and our Historic Village transforms into Santa’s Village.
I have mended some of Santa’s buttons that popped off his coat and the elves have shined up his boots. He has been walking the trail with a bounce in his step and a twinkle in his eyes as elves scurry to prepare for all your letters. Santa loves to read those in the evenings with his feet propped in front of the fire and a tall mug of hot chocolate.
Our village is truly alive with the spirit of the holidays. On any given day you might catch me dancing a jig in the parlor or covered in flour in the kitchen. Our house smells of gingerbread as I have been trying a few new recipes for cookies and cannot wait for you to stop in to enjoy them. The grist mill is running round the clock making reindeer food for you to carry home with you.
Oh, and the reindeer are anxious to do their part. The blacksmith is repairing their shoes, and they are eating all their carrots in preparation for the big night of flight. Depending on when you visit, you may have the opportunity to stop by the barn and say hello.
There is just one dark spot – well, really its more of a lime green spot. Yep, you guessed it. That Grinch is back and causing a ruckus. Presents are disappearing from under the trees and reappearing in odd places. And just last week, I noticed someone had replaced the sugar in my tin with salt.
He is full of mischief, that’s for sure. I think he loves the holiday as much as you do. So, be prepared for when you visit, he may decide to have a little fun.
Our village is open on Fridays and Saturdays following turkey day, so make plans to come by and join in the fun as we celebrate Christmas the old-fashioned way. There may be a small fee per person to help us keep the lights on, so check out the event calendar for specific details.
See you soon and Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Claus